The Medical Procurement of Ukraine begins collecting demand for 2024

The Medical Procurement of Ukraine (MPU) starts to collect the demand for medicines and medical products that will be procured for patients in 2024 upon the Ministry of Health's request.

For the first time in the history of centralized procurement, the collection of demand is starting this early. This will allow for more accurate data collection and the formation of orders in a way that minimizes the risks of shortages of specific medications.

Hospitals and health departments submit their demand, indicating how many medical products they require for the next year based on the number of patients undergoing treatment.

The process is carried out automatically through the MedData and eStock systems of the MPU. Approximately 1,000 hospitals and 25 health departments will provide information about the medical products they require for the next year.

As of July 4th, the Medical Procurement of Ukraine has already started collecting the demand in the areas of Adult and Pediatric Oncology, as well as Endoprostheses. By the end of the summer, the collection of requests for all diseases for which the state provides centralized procurement will be open. We provide additional information about the start of the demand collection for each area in our Telegram channel, which is accessible to all users:

Once healthcare institutions and departments form their orders, they are verified by the specialists of the MPU, a group of experts, and the Ministry of Health. Existing medication stocks and expected deliveries are taken into account during this process. Based on this information, the Ministry of Health aggregates the quantities of medical goods that need to be procured and provides them to the Medical Procurement of Ukraine for the direct implementation of the procurement procedure.

"Collecting the demand is the first stage of the procurement cycle. The quality of the information provided is crucial for the final outcome, namely the uninterrupted access of patients to necessary treatment. That is why this year we are starting the demand collection process in advance, allowing healthcare institutions and departments sufficient time to prepare high-quality data. The MPU team will make every effort to verify and validate the submitted orders, taking into account all the risks associated with the full-scale aggression of the russian federation," said the Head of the MPU Edem Adamanov.


State Enterprise "Medical Procurement of Ukraine" 

+38 (067) 134 42 81

7 Klovsky descent, Kyiv, 01021

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