The MPU automated the addition of new products to Prozorro Market

The Medical Procurement of Ukraine is enhancing the functionality of the Prozorro Market electronic catalog to make it more convenient for market representatives to use. 

The MPU IT team has developed a solution based on our MedData system, which automated the process of adding products to the e-catalog assortment. It replaced the Excel sheets and Google forms that suppliers had to fill out previously.

A supplier portal was created, where market representatives can access their categories and automatically add their products. The MPU, on its part, performs the verification and accepts the application. 

This solution not only significantly streamlined the process for companies looking to sell their products on Prozorro Market but also expedited their verification by administrators. Therefore, the assortment is now expanding and replenishing with new products much more efficiently. Previously, one manager could analyze up to 100 products per week, but now, thanks to the automated tool, one person can process 600 (!) products per day.

"Throughout the past year, the Prozorro Market e-catalog gained considerable popularity among hospitals purchasing necessary items, from ambulances to consumables. The total value of goods sold through the e-catalog last year exceeded 2.5 billion UAH. With the increasing number of buyers, the assortment is expected to grow to ensure that every hospital can find what it needs on Prozorro Market. That's why we automated the submission of products from suppliers. Now they don't have to wait long to start selling through the e-catalog, and buyers have access to a wider range of products to meet their needs," says Vitaliy Ovsyannikov, the project manager of Prozorro Market at the Medical Procurement of Ukraine.

State Enterprise "Medical Procurement of Ukraine" 

+38 (067) 134 42 81

7 Klovsky descent, Kyiv, 01021

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